Thursday, February 28, 2019

4th International Tamil Journalism Conference ( ITJC -2019 )


மக்களுக்கான இதழியலை நோக்கி.
Towards Peoples Journalism
நான்காவது சர்வதேச தமிழ் இதழியல் மகாநாடு
4th International Tamil Journalism Conference ( ITJC -2019 )

Announcing - the fourth International Tamil Journalism Conference, to be hosted for the first time in Sri Lanka.
The International Tamil journalism Conference was first launched by a collaborative effort between Tamil academics in Sri Lanka and India. The first conference was hosted by Madras University in Chennai in 2011. It was hosted again in 2012, and thereafter in 2014, all three times in Chennai, although Jaffna University was an active partner.
Due to various reasons it could not be hosted in Sri Lanka as planned in subsequent years. Now however a Journalism for People Movement has been formed with members across various countries where Tamil speaking people reside; India, Sri  Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore and Australia - and the list is expanding. The movement is primarily made up of academics, students, past students and practitioners in the field of journalism. The primary focus of this collective is to improve journalism in the field as well as improve research on journalism in academia. 

The chairperson of this movement is Professor (Dr).Gopalan Ravindran, Head of the Department of Journalism and Communication, University of Madras.

The Co-Chairperson is Mr. Thevanayagam Thevananth, former Director of the Media and Resource Centre, University of Jaffna.

This much awaited 4th conference is to be hosted in Jaffna, Sri Lanka soon, on April 5-6th, at the Jaffna Public Library. The theme of the conference is “Towards People’s Journalism.” The media partner for this venture is Uthayan Newspaper, Jaffna.

We are currently calling for papers. Researchers, students and practitioners are invited to share your research papers with us. Even though it is primed as a Tamil conference, it is slated to be bilingual (Tamil and English) and can be trilingual if Sinhala participants wish to participate. The call is also open for Sinhala practitioners in the media field therefore:
There are 10 sections under which you can submit:

1. Cultural journalism
2. Development Journalism
3. Tamil radio
4. Tamil Television.
5. Social Media
6. Journalism Education
7. Online Media
8. Women in Media
9. Media and Tourism
10, History of Tamil journalism
Please send your submissions to The closing date for submissions is March 15th.
Contact: 0094 77 311 2692
The conference will consist of the keynote speech, research presentations, and experience sharing and cultural programs. The cultural programs will showcase the culture of both India and Sri Lanka, showcasing our ancient traditions.

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