மக்களுக்கான இதழியலை நோக்கி….
Towards People’s Journalism
நான்காவது சர்வதேச தமிழ் இதழியல் மகாநாடு
4th International
Tamil Journalism Conference ( ITJC -2019 )
Announcing - the fourth International Tamil
Journalism Conference, to be hosted for the first time in Sri Lanka.
The International Tamil journalism
Conference was first launched by a collaborative effort between Tamil academics
in Sri Lanka and India. The first conference was hosted by Madras University in
Chennai in 2011. It was hosted again in 2012, and thereafter in 2014, all three
times in Chennai, although Jaffna University was an active partner.
Due to various reasons it could not be hosted in Sri Lanka as planned in subsequent years. Now however a Journalism for People Movement has been formed with members across various countries where Tamil speaking people reside; India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore and Australia - and the list is expanding. The movement is primarily made up of academics, students, past students and practitioners in the field of journalism. The primary focus of this collective is to improve journalism in the field as well as improve research on journalism in academia.
Due to various reasons it could not be hosted in Sri Lanka as planned in subsequent years. Now however a Journalism for People Movement has been formed with members across various countries where Tamil speaking people reside; India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore and Australia - and the list is expanding. The movement is primarily made up of academics, students, past students and practitioners in the field of journalism. The primary focus of this collective is to improve journalism in the field as well as improve research on journalism in academia.